Attention: This is your last chance to pass the test. If you fail again, you must contact your employer. Practice until you are confident in your knowledge!
Attention: Je VCA verloopt binnen een jaar, waardoor je HSL-certificaat dezelfde einddatum krijgt. We raden aan eerst je VCA te verlengen voordat je verdergaat.


This website is the property of Infraspeed Maintenance BV. The information on this website is exclusively general information derived from sources that are considered reliable. We do not guarantee its correctness or completeness.

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Dutch law applies to this website and disclaimer. Infraspeed Maintenance BV is registered under number 34163618 at the Chamber of Commerce.

Website functioning

Infraspeed Maintenance BV cannot guarantee that this website will work without errors or interruptions. We shall do our best to ensure a good service. If the site is temporarily unavailable, we do not accept any responsibility for any damage you may have suffered.

Use of information

All information published on this website (including the design, house style and logos) is the property of Infraspeed Maintenance BV. You may use the information on our website for private purposes, under the condition that you mention that you found the information on the Infraspeed Maintenance BV website and that you do not modify the information. If you want to use the information on this site for commercial purposes, you must first get permission from us.

About the disclaimer

Infraspeed Maintenance BV retains the right to amend this disclaimer. The most up-to-date disclaimer will always be published on this website.